Healthy World, Healthy Nation, Healthy You

Making Medicine More Scientific: Applied Health Economics and Outcomes Research–What Consumers will Need to Know to Make Future Care and Purchasing Decisions

Joseph D. Jackson, PhD
Program Director, Applied Health Economics and Outcomes Research, and Associate Professor
Jefferson School of Population Health
Philadelphia., Pa


JacksonJoe Jackson is the Program Director for Applied Economics and Outcomes Research at JSPH, where he is responsible for the School’s Master of Science degree program in Applied Health Economics and Outcomes Research (MS-AHEOR) and for the AHEOR specialization in the School’s PhD program in Population Health Sciences.

These programs ground students in the fundamentals of AHEOR, with emphasis on applications to everyday work settings.

Dr. Jackson has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, with much of this time devoted to clinical research. His work has involved many facets of the management and practice of Outcomes Research, including the translation of clinical evidence into user-friendly cost-effectiveness models and many health technology assessment filings.  He has generated Quality of Life evidence, and obtained listing in the package insert for a Patient-Reported Outcomes claim in the USA and Europe.

Dr. Jackson is a graduate of the University of Mississippi, School of Pharmacy, with a PhD in Health Care Administration.  He completed two residencies with the federal government in Washington, DC.  Dr. Jackson holds adjunct faculty appointments at the University of Mississippi, Rutgers University and the University of Maryland Schools of Pharmacy, and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.


Every day we hear about new medical discoveries,  but it is difficult to know if any of these new approaches will work for us in our particular situation? Have you ever wondered–Who are the people who  behind the scenes look at all new “breakthroughs” and determine, based on comparative evidence, which approaches to a particular problem,  really has merit? Even if you have never even thought to ask this questions–you will find this program fascinating.

Joe Jackson is one of the research  “CSI agents” (no crime intended!!) that asks all those hard questions about–what is really going on here and at the end of the day–what should people know, use, and purchase as a knowledgeable health care consumer?

If you want to ask those hard ball questions–“SHOW ME”–before making  a decision about important health care matters–you would want Joe in your corner!

Do you think that Health Care Economics is too academic for your tastes? Joe will make you a believer that anyone can understand this given half a chance. Joe advises physicians and health care organizations on what are the “best practices” in health care today. You as a consumer can learn from his work as well.

Applied Health Economics and Outcomes Research (AHEOR) is an academic discipline that focuses on whether or not a product or service is efficacious and benefits patients. It establishes efficacy of the product or service, then compares its effectiveness to other interventions, and finally considers its incremental cost efficiency.

AHEOR is increasingly important and necessary as rising health care costs continue to challenge the stability of the nation’s economy.  Costs continue to rise despite evidence that additional spending is not associated with attractive incremental value in outcomes, costs or quality.

Objectives for program session include:

  • Appreciate key aspects of the US healthcare system, with emphasis on financing, delivery and changes with Obamacare.
  • Explore AHEOR methods – including burden of illness analyses, evidence evaluations, research design and statistical considerations, cost and financial impact analyses, cost-effectiveness analyses, decision analyses, discrete event simulation, and other clinical and economic evaluation techniques – to inform resource allocation, relative value assessments and policy initiatives.
  • Consider value for money in healthcare — is it possible and is it happening?

3 Key Points:

  1. Outcomes Research ” Studies the Studies” and can determine what is the best information in order to guide medical decisions.
  2. How to Determine” Value”–of all the possible solutions what works and how much does it cost?
  3. Outcomes research allows treatment teams and consumers to have more knowledge about how one treatment compares with another in order to make a judgment of what is best for you.


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