Discover the Keys to Managing Your Health
Acute and Chronic illnesses and injury can adversely affect your physical, emotional, relational and spiritual well being. Taking control over your life is vital to gaining well being and living life to the fullest. With good preventive care, early intervention, and the many treatment options available, management of many illnesses can be successful and provide individuals with a quality of life that allows for continued living with dignity
Ear Nose, Throat. ENT (ear, nose, and throat) is the branch of medicine and surgery that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the head and neck. It is the oldest medical practice in the United States and nearly 50 percent of all office visits pertain to the ear, nose, and throat.
Physicians specializing in otolaryngology are called otolaryngologists, and often treat children with persistent ear infections, hearing problems, cleft lip and other congenital abnormalities. Adult patients often seek treatment from an otolaryngologists for sinus infections, age-related hearing loss, and cancers of the head or neck regions.
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