Living with Illness
Illness is an altered state of being that can affect the physical. mental and emotional well being of individuals. Illness can be short term (acute) or longer term (chronic). Illness is a state of change that often impacts every aspect of a person’s definition of a healthy state of being. It can change day to day living in small ways and in many instances, can fundamentally change all aspects of living independently.
Living with illness is a conscious and purposeful way of coping and adapting to the changes that come about as a result of illness. It is the conscious effort to prevent illness in the first place where at all possible . If illness does indeed occur, living with illness outlines how to balance symptoms, treatments, personal and family dynamic particular to your issues in order to prevent further complications. The goal of living with illness is to allow you to rehabilitate to the highest level of functioning possible in any given circumstance.
Some illnesses are unavoidable as determined by genetic and hereditary factors and others can be avoided by changing unhealthy habits such as smoking, overuse of drugs and alcohol, or engaging in risky behaviors such as texting while driving.
To live with illness successfully, having basic knowledge of the disease or condition, the ability to self-manage a treatment regime, the ability to self-regulate all the changes one has to make when illness occurs, the ability to engage your team of supporters such as family, friends and other sources of help to assist you, and the ability communicate openly and directly with your healthcare team is vital to having as much control as possible over your individual health and is critical to positive health outcomes.
These discussions with experts will bring you in contact with actual patients, families and healthcare leaders who will serve to guide you on your path to making the best healthy living choices possible for you , your family and community.
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