Leaders in Action
Changing Health Care from Good to GREAT
Leaders in healthcare change the world.
Leaders in Health Care can be found in every sector and at every level of an organization. They can be individuals and they can be teams. Leadership is not a title. It is an attitude, a way of seeing the world and wanting to make a difference. It is about doing an excellent job and not accepting second best as good enough. Leaders inspire others to be their best as well.
Leaders make a difference in the lives of those they serve.
The dedication, intelligence and perseverance displayed by leaders in healthcare serve as a role model for others.
Physician Leaders
Nurse Leaders
Teams in Action
Heroes and Heroines
The real heroes and heroines are those in everyday life who take risks, confront adversity and step up to the sometimes frightening challenges that confront them. These are the people to admire and to learn from –who teach us that courage, stamina, and taking risks when the outcomes are unknown are the qualities that make a profound difference in leading a life that brings out the best in themselves and others.