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Reinventing Health Care Delivery for the 21 St Century

shutterstock_119122669Hospitals and Health Systems are creating new approaches  to explore non-traditional solutions to a wide range of systemic health care delivery challenges.  Known as innovation centers, the organizations are modeling on similar entities from non-health care sectors and focus largely on quality, access and cost issues.

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Reinventing healthcare is exciting and many people are working in solutions. Here is an example of some excerpted from:

Each one is being developed and has potential for supporting people in attaining a healthier life.

shutterstock_152083727Ten Innovations That Will Transform Medicine

Excerpted from:

Checklists Health care is catching on to something airline pilots have known for decades — checklists before a procedure can save lives.

Behavioral Economics Behavioral economics tools —gentle prods that us to behave in desired ways such as remembering to exercise — may be more effective than any amount of browbeating by doctors

Patient Portals The idea of organizing all your health information in one place online and coordinating your health-related business from there looks great on paper.

Payment Innovations. Some studies show that salaried physicians, who have nothing to gain by doing lots of tests and procedures, do fewer of them than doctors paid on a fee-for-service basis. Arrangements that pay a set rate per patient regardless of what services the patient gets can also rein in procedures and costs.

Evidence-Based Decision Making Prescribing care based on research on the condition Not every doctor is practicing based on the science. More will when using the electronic medical record that can remind the doctor what to do.

Accountable Care Organizations An organization whose job is to keep you healthy and out of the hospital, and actually rewarded its doctors and hospitals when they did. The idea of giving doctors incentives to keep us healthy seems both brilliant and obvious.

Virtual Visits Current systems do allow doctors to capture various health data, like blood sugar, blood pressure, and heart rate, while videoconferencing with a patient. The convergence of convenience, low cost, and the potential to enrich doctor-patient relationships could move televisiting into the mainstream.

Regenerative Medicine You know the principle: Stem cells, which can transmute into any type of tissue — muscle, liver, bone, what have you — can potentially cure an array of devastating, once intractable conditions, from cancer to multiple sclerosis to spinal cord injuries.

Surgical Robots Few medical technologies embody the ethos of “newer is better” more than operating-room robots do. With price tags often easily topping $1 million, surgical robots promise to help surgeons squeeze into tight places, performing minimally invasive repairs that, in theory, should lead to better outcomes.

Genetic Medicine One is to replace defective genes with working ones; the other is to tailor drug treatment to your specific genetic profile, creating customized cures.

Hey Doc, Give Me a Little Credit-Patient Engagement in Health Education from the Patient’s Point of View

Dr Sylvia Aruffo , CEO, Communication Science

Continue reading Hey Doc, Give Me a Little Credit-Patient Engagement in Health Education from the Patient’s Point of View

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