Check Out Self Care Tools that will make your discharge to home a smooth transition
Most care is delivered at home and requires that patients and their families are informed about how to care for themselves. The approaches that are used in most patient education is less than satisfactory due to the fact that often patients and families do not really understand what is involved and how to go about self care. To help people with such challenges, a company that understands people and their needs have developed disease specific tool kits for both acute and chronic illnesses that make self care easy to understand and to do.
The care that you provide for yourself at home is a critical part of your overall care plan. The mission at Communication Science is to help you stay out of the hospital There are kits for all types of home care challenges . For surgical procedures, there are kits for example, for mastectomy post hospitalization that have specially designed bandages for comfortable dressing changes. For chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, asthma, there are kits that provide a full spectrum of information and tools that you can use to manage your weight, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and exercise routines all in one well designed box. The kits have easy to follow directions and tools that are needed for specific monitoring such as a pedometer for measuring exercise routines, a blood pressure cuff for monitoring blood pressure, a glucometer for measuring blood sugar levels, a scale to track weight. Each kit is custom designed for monitoring progress for a specific disease.
The kits can replace patient education tools that do not address the needs of people. For health care organizations or primary care practices that are interested in decreasing return to hospital, Communication Science has demonstrated better outcomes for those who have utilized the kits. Self Care kits for wellness, coming home from the hospital, and chronic care management for ongoing care at home, will help to keep your patients out of the hospital.
Ordering the Kits
- Visit Select your kit.
- E-mail request to:
- Use the code: Healthy You and get a 10% discount on your order.
- Provide contact information and Care Kit Staff will contact you to fulfill your order.
- Customer Service: 1 847 850 7500
Also available directly from Amazon:
Note: Dr Nancy RN receives no remuneration from Communication Science for sale of these products.